Monday, June 26, 2006

"Modifying Change Orders After The Fact"

Here's an e-mail leaked by yet another whistleblower. Though the one dollar amount listed is small, since this apparently happened with frequency, we'd like to know a total dollar amount.

From: Monica Chadha [RBJ Architects]
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 9:55 AM
To: Spivey, T. Gary
Subject: 0546.00 Change Order Number Differences

Gary - Can we review and discuss this a little further?If I modify Change Orders 4 and 5 I would have to revise and reissue every change order that comes after - they all reflect previous totals per AIA guidelines. We could just issue an additional change order for the difference on Proposal 4 - the excavation costs

Did you review the steel change order with Dave Binford? It is broken out and totaled differently than what they submitted April 25th. The difference is $78.81 - again we could pick this up as a correction.

Has EVS reviewed with you why they are modifying the change orders after the fact? All of the information that I included in the earlier change orders include their backup documentation and Edwin did sign them from what Steve told me.

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